Sunday, November 30, 2008

Angels Watching Over Me

I just returned from a great Thanksgiving in McCall which I will talk about another time. It is late Sun. night but I feel compelled to talk about my angels who travel with me all the time.
Before my mother died a few years ago, she gave both Jessica and me a little gold angel to put in our cars and said "Remember, the angels are with you always." This angel has a lot of meaning for me for two reasons. The first one being my mom gave it to me and it reminds me a lot of her and the fun times we had riding around in my little car talking and eating soft ice cream cones from KWIK Way. I miss her but know she is happy and watching over me as I travel. Second reason I love that little gold angel is when Spence and his family lived in Idaho Falls a couple of years back, Max loved to go with me to do the million errands I would do on Saturday pretty much every weekend. I loved his company and we had so much fun and as we tripped around Idaho Falls he would always ask to play with the little angel. He always put the angel in a safe special place as we would run into a store or where ever we were going. He loved that little angel and it reminds me everytime I look at it about our fun days we spent together.
So, back to my story. Yesterday as I was leaving Boise after our great Thanksgiving, I saw a car in front of me with the license plate holder that said "Angels are Watching Over Me" and I wished that I had a holder just like that one.
On the long trip home, I kept glancing up at my little angel and wondering which angel was riding with me. I know I require a whole gang of angels pretty much most of the time, but I know they have other people to watch over but one or two of them are always there. It was a passing thought but I just kept looking up at that little angel.
It was about 10:30 p.m. when I finally started across the dry farms climbing altitude up to my little mountain home. I was anxious to get home after the long trip and my stops along the way. I had been travelling on the freeway so I was used to going about 85 mph and knowing there was little enforcement out on the highway, I kept about that speed until I crossed Canyon Creek Bridge about 20 miles from home. As clear as day, I heard "Black Ice" a couple of times but I was following a pickup going about the same speed as I so I thought I was safe. Again, just after crossing the brigde "Black Ice" came into my mind so I slowed way down against my wishes and began to drive much slower. I arrived home safely and in my prayers again thanked the Lord for my safe trip and my angels for watching over me.
Now, for the rest of the story. During the announcements at church this morning, the Bishop informs us that a friend and fellow teacher Charlotte Barr) was killed the night before only two miles from her home when her pickup hit a patch of black ice, rolled five times, and she had to be extricated from the pickup already being dead. This was not the pickup that I was following, this happened only 1/2 hour after I had passed this same spot. Her and her husband had taken a quick run to Rexburg to pick up a car and they were travelling home with her driving the pickup and he driving the car behind her. Two miles from their home he watched (I'm sure in horror) as she hit the ice, rolled the pickup five times, and was pinned inside. He tried to get her out but to no avail and the extrication team had a hard time getting her out. I believe she was already dead.
One half hour after I had passed the same spot! I have been thanking my angels all day long for the warning. That could have easily been me and that late at night I may have been trapped inside for hours before anyone found me.
The moral of this story. Always pray that your angels will be with you as you travel and then LISTEN!!


The Neads said...

Charlotte is my brother Chris's cousin... anyway... it is a very sad thing.. Dean was watching the whole thing when it happened... The family is pretty shaken up.. What an awful thing.. I'm glad you are safe...

Nichole said...

Times like that to wake us up and make sure we are following the path Christ wants us on. Loving those who need us and accomplishing the things we need to do in life. You obviously have many more things to "tidy up" before your time is done. So happy to still have my Mom on earth!